The University provides services both for students and academicians.

Service Students include:

International students support: the University provides incoming and outcoming students support. The University, and in particular the Research and Mobility Team will provide information for organizing the exchange and fulfill administrative procedures. 

Job Placement and Internship: The University support with its Job Placement and Intership office graduating students, in order to facilitate their access in a professional environment. The Office provides administrative information through its administrative staff. Furthermore, each course has its own academic contact to specifically support students and to assessing the alignment between internship objectives and course main aims. The office also support student in the creation of resumes and CVs and it spreads information about job and internship opportunities. 

Tutoring: tutors are available both online and offline for helping students to managing administrative duties and to improve the communication flow between staff, academics and students. Teaching tutoring is available for each course. 

Library: there is a virtual library that is accessible through the platform. In the Rome Campus, there is a library that can be accessed under request.

Where to study: all the locations of the University have a space where students can study.  

Canteen: In the University in Rome there is a canteen where students can eat. Be sure to make your reservation!


For information you can contact our office